Pictured at the launch of “More than a Club” are the FAI and Vi-Ability project management team with members of the Southern Assembly, WEFO and partner clubs. Legendary Irish defender Richard Dunne was in attendance to support the launch which took place at the Aviva stadium on Friday 6th October 2017.
More than a Club
“More than a Club” is a joint project initiative between the Football Association of Ireland and a vibrant Welsh social enterprise called Vi-Ability and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund via the Ireland Wales Cooperation programme 2014-2020.
The FAI and Vi-Ability aim to cooperate with local professional football clubs in Ireland and Wales and assist them to develop social enterprise based Club in the Community schemes or Football Enterprises which will provide important supports to address underserved social needs within disadvantaged communities.
The project will empower the clubs to recognise and utilise the powerful attraction of football and the value of their club brand locally in order to develop key strategic partnerships with statutory agencies and community groups to deliver important social programmes. In the process, it is expected that clubs will evolve as more valuable and relevant community entities becoming more relevant to more people in their communities.
The “More than a Club” project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund via the Ireland Wales Cooperation programme 2014-2020.
The project delivery finished on 31st May 2019.
For further information on the project, please contact:
Ireland: Derek O’Neill (Football Association of Ireland) derek.oneill@fai.ie
Wales: Kelly Davies (Vi-Ability) kelly@vi-ability.org